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As you walk deeper into the walled garden of this home, with your trick or teat bag in hand, you are overwhelmed by this gift.
It is the gift of compassion, and dozens of other lost souls are digging into it as readily as you are. Every soul you encounter wears a shimmering costume, not of fabric, but of their dreams, fears, and hopes. They are all, like you, young at the journey of life, hoping that they see more smiles than tears. Compassion is the ambrosia that transforms the mundane into the extraordinary. Compassion is the lens through which you may see beyond costumes, recognizing the person beneath the guise. It's like peering through a kaleidoscope where every turn reveals intricate patterns of human experience and emotions. Compassion invites you to cast aside the superficiality of appearances. It invites you to look deeper and understand the very fabric of every individual's story. It is in this act of seeing with the heart that you discover the beauty of our shared humanity.

Halloween is not just a parade of whimsical costumes and sweet treats. It offers us a tangible reminder of compassion's power. You have wandered through neighborhoods, encountering pirates, princesses, and ghosts. You're not merely receiving candy; You're engaging in a ritual of kindness. This an ancient exchange of treats and smiles, holy as Christmas. It serves as an opening nudge towards a greater virtue. With the spirit of Halloween, you are reminded that everyone, regardless of their costume, is deserving of kindness and understanding. Just as you wouldn't judge a ghostly apparition by its eerie facade but rather by the joy it brings, so too should you approach each person with an open heart. Trick or treat is your earliest encounter with compassion: learning to cherish the essence within each individual, and helping those in need. It's not for the sake of reward, but for the pure joy of making a difference.

You back out, with a smile on your face, anticipating the next step of the journey.